A Hyper-Heterogenous Innovation Challenge

April 28, 2024 Leave a comment

I’ve heard it said about Ice Hockey that good players try to skate where the puck will be rather than where it is. The Metaverse and Extended Reality (XR) technologies represent, in my mind, just such a key point in the line of travel for human computing interactions. Therefore, a policy brief about Unleashing European Innovation for the Metaverse certainly got my attention. Read on to find out…

Policy Brief Roundtable

Last week, I attended an LSE roundtable event to launch the above report about European Innovation for the Metaverse, and below are few points I took away, plus some reflections and observations.

1 – Hyper-Heterogenous Innovation Challenge – Metaverse and Extended Reality is not only about ground breaking research, but also involves integrating various emerging technologies, innovative content and experiences, optimising connectivity, creating more fashionable wearable tech and user experiences, as well as maintaining human centricity and mitigating risk with all of the above.

2 – Europe is well positioned to play a leadership role – Some European companies are already at the cutting edge of exploring immersive and related technologies (e.g. digital twinning, photonics and certain industrial applications). Also, Europe has a good track record of collaborative ventures (e.g. Airbus) that achieve success because, or in spite, of its multi-lingual, multi-cultural heritage.

3 – The prize is right – According to this report, AR & VR applications alone could drive up to 1.3 Trillion global turnover by 2030. By embracing XR and the Metaverse, Europe stands to gain a good share of that prize and more, with productivity growth, competitiveness, societal gains and less opportunity costs.

4 – Game changing ecosystem layers – The Metaverse, XR and related technologies incorporate various existing and emerging technologies. This highlights the need for an open, scalable ecosystem across multiple layers e.g.:

  • Infrastructure – hardware, standards, protocols and connectivity across: cloud and edge computing, IoT, connected devices, haptic technologies, next gen chipsets and photonics, as well as relevant standards, protocols
  • Platforms – products, services and applications with AI assistants, avatars, 3d modelling, digital twins, as well as protection for assets, security and privacy
  • Experiences – immersive vertical applications delivered via visualisations, games, simulation, content, interactions and transactions, plus a hearty dose of user generated content and experiences.

5 – Industry relevance and applications – spread across: architecture, construction, education and training, healthcare, manufacturing, media / creative industries, retail and marketing, transport, supply chain, logistics and public services etc.

Key Challenges to Overcome

In addition to the innovation, integration and compatibility challenge, other key obstacles to large scale adoption and commercialisation of the metaverse include an under developed user experience which make it challenging for users to engage with and/or remain in immersive environments for prolonged periods of time. Wearable devices are far from unintrusive, fashionable and/or energy efficient over 24 hours.

Furthermore, European component makers and suppliers may need better incentives to prioritise Metaverse development. Researchers may also be inhibited by funding limitations and/or accessibility for their metaverse projects, compounded by relatively lower entrepreneurship mentality within funding providers, e.g. compared to USA. In addition, the EU is itself a hetrogenous environment with additional challenges from a fragmented environment.

Finally, the report talks about need for a coherent, Europe-wide, long-term vision for this super dense technology and experience paradigm. It also makes a call to action for EU govenments to do more to scale market demand and provide support for public information, education, training and talent development. This includes ensuring user trust is front and centre with human-centric considerations for safety, inclusion, well-being etc.

The way forward

Europe should captialise on its foresight and leadership in creating relevant strategies and legislative guidelines for emerging technologies such as: GDPR, or the 2003 European Commission Strategy on Web4.0, as well as the more recent EU AI ACT. This report argues the case for taking similar leadership initiative for the Metaverse and Immersive Internet technologies.

Three Key recommendations from the report are summarised below, as follows:

  1. Industrial Policy for EU innovation network – Integrate existing innovation clusters into a network, supported with appropriate funding and common standards
  2. Create and Nurture New Talent – prioritise training and skills development for immersive tech and the metaverse
  3. Foster demand, scale and promote an open ecosystem – leverage legislative framework, reflecting the diversity of Europe, and utilise immersive tech to support and help develop international standards

All in all, this was a great opportunity to get an inside look at the opportunities, challenges and recommendations for Europe’s leadership role in a crucial part of the next wave in human and technology co-evolution. I couldn’t ask for more.

My reflections and observations:

First of all, I’m truly grateful for the kind invitation from the event organisers to participate in this event The work is comprehensive, well researched and clearly presented, with distinct calls to action based on compelling arguments and related evidence. Kudos to the authors and their sponsors of this effort.

The following are some more general reflections and thoughts, including some commentary from the roundtable conversations, that I would like to share:

  1. HUMAN: Careful consideration of human-centric development, needs and concerns – It can’t be understated just how much the prospect of unleashing such powerful technologies may strike fear and some level of anxiety for some. As a technologist and consumer, I can empathaise with one participant’s keen observation about the huge implications for people and societal evolution if & when we can conduct life in mixed reality mode 24/7.
  2. CONTROL: People should not lose control (or feel like they’re not in control) – Much like Generative AI, it is imperative to ensure that Humans remain at the Helm of Metaverse, XR and ensuing immersive Internet content and experiences, along with the power and means to stop it as and when necessary.
  3. CONTEXT: Context Hygeine is set to become super important – The rapidly blurring boundaries of physical vs. virtual worlds will require clear markers and education for users to ensure a clearly identifiable separation layer exists, even with full immersion experiences. Psychological safety is as important as physical safety, if not moreso
  4. RISK: Stakeholder risk management is non-negotiable for Metaverse and Web4.0 – At Salesforce, I focus on Strategy and Responsble AI, and we try to consider risk from the perspective of all key stakeholders. Another participant observed that although it might be too early for full-fledged regulations, it’s no excuse for not using good core values and common sense to co-develop the tech and potential rules for its many uses
  5. REWARD: Exponential Technology and (Stakeholder) Economics – A hyper-heterogenous innovation challenge requires exploration (or a complete rethink) of implications for Intellectual Property. How do you monetise immersive experiences and what role will a re-imagined IP mechanism play?

I believe this confluence of emerging technologies and evolving user needs will herald a new age of exponential thinking, living and being. It’ll require a mix of child-like curiosity, discovery and creativity, anchored by a strong sense of responsibility, decent core values and inclusive principles to make it work for everyone.

More to come on this…

Living in the Age of Edited Realities

June 11, 2023 Leave a comment

Emerging technologies have been gradually reshaping our perception of reality. This may have begun with electronic games (or perhaps early Reality TV), multiplayer online role playing games (MORPG), then came social media, fake news, and various Extended Reality (XR) technologies, including the Metaverse. The addition of AI generated deep fakes and now multi-modal Generative AI has dramatically raised the stakes and begs the question, are we now living in an age of edited realities?

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My Epic Journey

April 16, 2023 Leave a comment

I recently attended a friend’s 60th birthday party. Ok, nothing particularly epic about that you might think, but you’d be very wrong. The friend in question is a certain Dr. Tom Ilube CBE – renowned tech entrepreneur, educational philanthropist, and all round great guy. But even that’s beside the point, because this epic journey literally took off from Heathrow airport, at 2pm on the 30th of March, with over 30 other guests, on a British Airways flight to Accra, Ghana for what turned out to be a little journey through time!

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Generative AI / Generative IP (Part 3: Now What?)

February 5, 2023 3 comments

My previous posts described the rise of Generative AI applications and their usability super-powers, as well as their implications for mass AI adoption, ethics and intellectual property, but the question remains – How should the average person respond to what some describe as a critical and transformative step in our collective human experience and cultural evolution?

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Generative AI / Generative IP (Part 2: So What?)

February 4, 2023 3 comments

In my first post on this topic, I described how the most striking aspect of the sudden rise in popularity of generative AI models may be the accessibility and ease of use of such applications as ChatGPT, which seem to be approaching a tipping point towards mass adoption. Could this be a much anticipated AI Summer, as opposed to AI Winters of the past? What are the key implications of these developments?

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Generative AI / Generative IP (Part 1: What?)

February 3, 2023 3 comments

What makes such Generative AI applications as: ChatGPT, Dall-E, Codex, or MidJourney and Stable Diffusion so compelling?  Is it the seemingly miraculous leap in capability, application and user experience? Or is it something to do with the timing, (at the tail-end of a great pandemic), and/or the tantalising promise of even greater things to come? And what has all this got to do with Intellectual Property anyway? Well, why don’t you jump on my multi-carriage train of thought to find out…

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ChatGPT and Intellectual Property

January 30, 2023 1 comment

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, and it is only at GPT version 3.5! As ever, given its proximity and ability to generate creative content (e.g. text, art, music, poetry, videos and games), the first question that comes to mind, as indeed it has with many others, is what are the implications for Intellectual Property, especially copyright? Is it finally time to update and upgrade that most artificial of property rights to something befitting the 21st century?

In true spirit of enquiry, I had to do the needful and ask ChatGPT for its views on the future of Generative AI and Intellectual Property, and below is a screenshot + transcript of the most-impressive sub-minute responses I got to both my questions:


Q1: what are the key implications of generative AI for intellectual property such as copyright?


  1. Difficulty in determining original authorship: AI models can generate content that is similar to existing works, making it difficult to determine who holds the rights.
  2. Lack of legal protection: Currently, most copyright laws do not extend to AI generated content.
  3. Potential for infringement: AI generated content could potentially infringe on existing copyrights, which could lead to legal disputes.
  4. New legislation: The increasing use of AI in content creation may prompt the need for new legislation to address these issues.

Q2: What type of new legislation would be useful to address those issues?(i.e. of AI content and intellectual property)


  1. Extension of copyright laws: To cover AI-generated content and determine who holds the rights.
  2. Moral rights protection: To ensure that authors have control over the modification or destruction of their works.
  3. AI creators liability: To hold AI creators responsible for any infringing content generated by their models.
  4. Fair use clarification: To clearly define the limits of fair use in the context of AI generated content.
  5. Registration and licensing: To provide a clear and transparent process for registering and licensing AI generated works.

What can I say – ChatGPT must have read my mind!

I can certainly understand why authors, bloggers and some journalists might be tempted to use this service to augment or create their content, but I have chosen not to do so on this occasion. A man has his fast waning pride to hold on to. What’s more, I feel a series of hand-crafted posts on this topic coming soon, so watch this space!

Below are the links to my 3-part blogpost series entitled “Generative AI / Generative IP”. They represent my train of thoughts which I’ve chunked into the following parts that describe the: What.., So What.., and Now What.., as follows:

  1. What? – The first carriage on my metaphorical train looks at current state AI and the amazing capabilities provided with transformers and other generative models.
  2. So What? – This is swiftly followed in the second carriage by an exploration of certain key implications, particularly with regards to jobs, IP & Ethics.
  3. Now What? – The final carriage concludes with some admonitions, premonitions and recommendations for the way forward.  So, all aboard!

WIPF2022: A different mindset for emerging technologies and intellectual property.

October 16, 2022 1 comment

As promised, this is a summary post with my top 5 takeaways from the recent World IP Forum 2022 conference I attended in Bangkok, Thailand. 


What a pleasure it was to meet, mingle and exchange ideas with a global cast of IP professionals across three days of wall-to-wall conversations, panels and presentations by experts in the legal profession, international business and government agencies. Kudos to the organisers, especially Navi Agarwal and Jeet Agarwal for a fantastic show with a truly international worldview.

Top five learnings and takeaways from WIPF2022 Bangkok:

  1. Patents are huge – the level of interest and discourse around patents reflect, in my opinion, their powerful potential to play a major role in redefining the IP landscape for a fast emerging world of tomorrow.
  2. DABUS (AI owned patents) – this is really doing the rounds as a bell weather case that shows up constraints and limitations of current legal frameworks, expert understanding and jurisdictional perspectives on emerging technologies and IP. 
  3. AI and Personhood – exhaustive discussions on why AI can’t be recognised as author / owner of IP. This is mainly down to AI not being considered a natural person – a key requirement for IP ownership in many places. I wonder if and when that is likely to change with more DABUS-like cases sure to come along.
  4. Rise of the techno-lawyers – By the way, it seems I’m encountering more and more legal professionals with a technical background – this is a most interesting trend, and has left me thinking perhaps I ought to study IP law too – hmmm!
  5. Still early days – And still lots of room to explore, understand and adapt emerging technologies and impact. Call to Action: read up and research AI, Blockchain and other emerging technologies because in 5 years or less they’ll impact your practice. 

My conclusion – It’ll require a different mindset to harness opportunities and/or tackle challenges presented by emerging technologies and intellectual property. For example, one of the most insightful questions I heard on the Metaverse panel was: …why use web2 rules for web3 worlds – i.e. how and why are we trying to figure out the rules of metaverse using only real world legal systems and lawyers? …Duh!

My panel presentation on emerging technologies and the future of content & IP is centred on this last point, as I introduced a three-point framework for looking at future state systems and how they might apply to IP considerations.  More to come on this topic so watch this space!

Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies

October 9, 2022 Leave a comment

A new course certificate – Yes, another one. There’s a theme here…

MIT Sloan – Short course on blockckchain for business innovation

I must say this one was particularly challenging, but even more rewarding, as it helped reshape and validate my notion that no single one of these ’game changer’ technologies can match over-hyped expectations all by themselves. Instead, and perhaps obviously, it’ll take certain combinations and mashups of two or more of these technologies to create the right value propositions for robust, real-world applications that can finally meet and / or exceed current expectations.

As a result, I remain steadfast in my conviction, and even doubling down my commitment to stay at the sharp end of emerging technology and the impact on society, businesses and individuals.

For example, I’m excited to be on a panel discussing Emerging Technology and Intellectual Property at the World IP Forum 2022 event taking place on 10th-12th October, in Bangkok Thailand. I will be talking about the role of emerging technologies and the next phase of digital content and rights management. Intellectual Property, such as Copyright, must evolve to keep pace with new technologies and novel uses of the works they’re designed to protect, (in both physical and digital realms, as well as in the spaces between them).

From past experience, events such as these offer great opportunities to share and learn from others, as well as networking with speakers, moderators and attendees. It’s great to be back on the circuit, and and I may do a summary post following the event, or perhaps even a podcast as Gen Z folks supposedly demand.

Are NFTs the future of digital IP and the creative world, or just a remix of DRM and all its woes? (Part 5)

February 14, 2022 5 comments

This is last in a series of posts to share some observations, opinions and conclusions on this intriguing technology which sits squarely at the intersection of digital, creativity and intellectual property. The topic is broken down into the following parts:

  1. What are NFTs (and the non-fungibility superpower)?
  2. What has this got to do with Intellectual Property (and content protection)?
  3. Does it mean that NFTs are like DRM remixed?
  4. How does it affect the creative industry today and in the future?
  5. Summary observations and conclusions.
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